Thursday, February 08, 2007

Friday Night Lights: Blinders

Race is dealt with quite frankly in the book Friday Night Lights. Over fifteen years since it was published, it would be nice if it was no longer an issue, but prejudice, segregation and deep hurt still exists in places a lot further north than Dillon, TX.

This episode underlines one of the things that makes Friday Night Lights remarkable. It deals with issues without turning into a lecture (see Studio 60) or trying too hard (see Degrassi). It also shies away from moral platitudes (see One Tree Hill) and forces the viewer to sort through the moral grey area. To put it simply, it’s thought provoking.

We opened with a win for the Panthers and Smash leading all his teammates in a raucous locker room chant. We ended with blacks and whites divided, and Smash leading one faction off the practice field in an act of protest. In a passing conversation we learn that the team Dillon will next face is dealing with a scandal involving black face. What the Panthers deal with is much more ambiguous.

Stories are so much more interesting when no one’s completely right and no one’s completely wrong. Also, when they involve Powder Puff football or Quad Rugby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's the best picture ever. I paused, laughed out loud, and re-vo'ed the scene about 6 times when Tyra took out lil' miss Lyla Garrity. For some reason that scene reminds me of the scene in "Necessary Roughness" where Kathy Ireland kicks the chauvinist football player in the balls and says "Welcome to Foot. Ball."

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


P.S. Is it sacrilege to say that this show is rapidly ascending and is perilously close to replacing our dear Miss Mars and the fine folks at Dunder-Mifflin as my favorite show in the 2006-2007 TV season?