Thursday, April 26, 2007

It was bound to end this way

Fox cancelled Drive. Who had two weeks in the pool?


Jason Davis said...

Well, I didn't say "two weeks" but I did say "four episodes" so my sad ability to predict the demise of Tim's shows continues with depressing accuracy.

Tim Dragga said...

Son of a bitch!

Fox has really out done itself this time. I mean the sheer speed and efficiency with which that one was dangle infront of me and then snapped off is the kind of skilled veteran manuever born only out of decades practice. They are getting really good at canceling shows over there.

Seriously. I'm surprised they're even still trying to run a network. They could make a killing farming this ability out and canceling shows on other networks.

Next week I fully expect to read that Fox has canceled "Boston Legal" and "Scrubs."

Jason Davis said...

When I interviewed Tim Minear a week before the premiere, we actually joked that they were airing three episodes in 24 hours so they could cancel it quicker. Guess we were right.

St. Clare said...

I just found out that Gavin Rossdale did the theme, which I loved inspite (and because) of its weirdness. Now I'm even sadder.