Monday, May 28, 2007

Why They Belong Together: Instant Star

She's a teenage pop singer, he's a rapidly aging tabloid darling. They're star-crossed to be sure, but in the love triangle at the heart of Instant Star, Tommy will be the last beau standing. The proof is in this scene from season two.

Her first album has tanked, Jude's frustrated and her home life sucks. But when she gets into the studio with Tommy to work on her new album, that frustration washes away. She's bubbly and relaxed. And look at Tommy. Lord Squinty Frown has never looked so happy as he does when he's goofing around with his favorite starlet. Jamie's a great guy, definitely better than his rival, but when all is said and done, Tom's the best for Jude.

Yes, I'm willing to admit that I may have put too much thought into that. But it's what makes me me.

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