Thursday, May 17, 2007

Veronica Mars 2004-2007

Dude. This sucks.

Thanks to Q for the links.


Tim Dragga said...

I heard some weird quasi hope that the June 15 is some sort of a decision deadline for something Bell/Thomas related. AICN seems to infer that this is the "relaunch" of the VERONICA: FBI thing -- which would be pushed as an entirely new series by the CW in an attempt to get new veiwers in who'd already decided not to watch Veronica Mars.

Gossip Boy said...

I love the idea that they can fake us out with the same star. Can't wait to hear what they'll call it.

Do the networks really think any of the new shows are better than the ones they axed this year?


Gossip Boy said...

PS, the ad that ran during the re-broadcast of the Gilmore finale is still only billing it as the "season finale of Veronica Mars."

Then again, I don' think NBC advertised the "series finale" of Crossing Jordan until a recap that aired in the middle of the last episode...