Friday, November 10, 2006

But what about Crabman's family?

Last night's Joy and Crabman storyline on My Name is Earl was cute enough. She was pissed that he never told her he was in the witness protection program, so she kicked him out of the house. This led to him crashing with the Hickey boys and getting to be the crabmeat of an Earl and Randy po' boy.

My problem is that it seems the writers decided to just ignore the fact that we've met Darnell's family. I'd say that maybe they were his paid Witness protection family, but he was pretty pissed when Joy told him Earl slept with his mother. Nitpicking aside, it was a solid, if unspectacular episode. Jenny McCarthy was sweet as a personal trainer lacking the confidence to tell men how she really feels and Catalina walked away with my favorite line of the night with the flawlessly delivered, "I'm gonna kill someone again."

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