Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Everybody Loves Dick

And why wouldn't we? He gets to say all the awesomely inappropriate things that were reserved for Logan before he became the schmoopy boy (nearly) every viewer wanted to cuddle. That said, I’m gonna pull a Dr. Phil and get real for a minute.

Dick's actions, both intentional and unintentional, led to Veronica's rape. Madison was not to blame. Yes, she’s a heinous bitch. Yes, she graffitied V's car with words like "Slut" and "It should have been her, Abel." Yes, had she not spit in a drink that she didn't know was laced with GHB and handed it off to our girl, Veronica wouldn't have wandered out of Shelley Pomroy's wondering what happened to her virginity.

But it seems odd that V's transferred blame of the entire messy event to Madison. She knows that Dick intended to drug Madison to make her more sexually pliable and that he encouraged Beaver to rape Veronica when she was passed out. Last year, when she thought that she'd merely had consensual and mutually out-of-it sex with Duncan, Veronica seemed to forgive Dick enough to tolerate him and not bother warning Gia about the danger of dating him. But now that she knows that his actions led to Beaver raping her, you'd think she might have reevaluated that rather benign view of Dick.

I guess this is what I'm saying: Veronica can tolerate Logan's friendship with Dick, but she can't handle an indiscretion with Madison that took place when they weren't together? I call bullshit.

The A Mystery was good. Girl gets pregnant, two possible dads, one unintentionally ingested morning after pill causes a miscarriage. Whodunit? One of the dads? The televangelist grandpa-to-be? One of his faux-faithful minions? A well-meaning best friend? Let’s just say Veronica learned the value of forgiveness. Although I didn’t see her running back to Logan, so we’ll see if it sticks.

In Who Killed Dean O’Dell land we learned:
1. Mindy’s stopped payments to Greco and on the car that she gave him as part of the “sorry I stole your bone marrow” settlement.
2. Oldest O’Dell kid is quite angry and Cyrus was thinking of sending him to one of those troubled teen bootcamps (Higher Ground-like spin-off, anyone?)
3. There was some sort of white substance (dried egg maybe?) on the windshield of the Volvo Mindy was driving the night of the murder.
4. Creepy Tim the TA is also investigating the case and found a witness who heard the gunshot on his way back to his room. He was drunk and Veronica figured out that the shot was a little after 2.
5. Greco’s a meth addict.

Am I the only one who’d forgotten how fun Weevil is? And who’s staring to forget what Wallace looks like?


Gossip Boy said...

What's a 'Wallace?'

Gossip Boy said...

Okay, I didn't watch this episode until last night, and I have to say that as soon as the roommate came on screen and started talking about how long she had known Bonnie...and how she and Bonnie shared all their childhood dreams and ambitions, like Bonnie's desire to be an international jet-setting archeologist...

...I was like, "And we're done." Quickest mystery solved EVER, VM.

You're totally right about Dick, btw, but I don't care because he's the only non-emo one left. And yet, there they go, emo-ing him up with Logison.
