Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Instant Star: Start Me Up

Yes, Jude’s still gotta end up with Tommy. Yes, I’d still wanna end up with Spiederman. But suddenly I’m getting why so many people dig Jamie. He’s grown up a lot since the first season. In addition to ditching the spiky hair and nerdy punk gear, he’s also turned into a mature, devoted guy. And yes, I’m aware that I’m talking about a character on a teen show.

This week we saw how much Jamie loves Patsy. Remember when she was a superfun punk cartoon? Well now she’s a supertragic alcoholic. And the awesome thing is, it makes total sense. On the verge of losing her record contract and his job, Jamie coaxes Patsy to lay down the vocals of a promising track and then he and Kwest bring in a horn section to make it the commercial single Darius demanded. Patsy’s horrified and she walks out on Jamie, ending the show in a bar, way past closing time.

In Jude and Tommy land: they’re doing a bickering little dance that means they will soon hook up. So that’s awesome. He wants to branch out as a producer and work on Karma’s album. She wants to branch out as an artist and co-produce with him. By the end, they both get their wish and continue to make schmoopy faces at one another.

Next week: Jamie makes Patsy choose between his adorable ass and the bottle. Also, it looks like our favorite punk rocker gets into a drunk driving accident. Dun dun dun!


Anonymous said...

also next week - patsy may kills goldfish before she kills herself.

St. Clare said...

I hope she uses a hammer. That would be punk rock.