Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I was right, bitches!

And I was so pumped about being right about Tim Foyle (or as I still think of him, Lucky) that I didn't really think too hard on the holes. Like why Tim would ask Veronica for help (maybe he wanted to prove to himself that he was better than her?) or why Mindy didn't think, "Mmm. Maybe my lover really did kill my husband. I'll still ask Keith to help me find out what happened. But I'll lie to him to stay out of trouble. That's the ticket!" I did love that Landry told Keith his plan to frame Grieco would have worked if Keith wasn't the acting sheriff. It was thisclose to being the admission of a Scooby Doo villian.

Complaining aside, I was entertained by the episode. I kept changing my mind about whodunit until the very end. And I loved that V could totally get in Tim's face and all he could do was sputter. Cause she's better than him. And he couldn't kill her in front of the whole class.

You know what I didn't even mind...
Wallace spied Parker and Logan having a meal and broke the news to Veronica. She took it in stride and when Logan asked if she was cool with him asking her friend out, Veronica gave him the okay. I don't think there's any way in hell she's totally okay with it, but it's nice that he asked. And it was nice that Parker made it clear that she was interested in pursuing anything that would hurt Veronica. And what's college for if not dating friends' recycled exes? Plus, this totally opens things up for Piz! Seriously. I'm starting to forget what homeboy looks like.

Next week: The Pussycat Dolls hijak Veronica's timeslot until May, when she returns with four stand alone episode and with Keith in official law enforcement, Veronica puts the Mars in Mars Investigations.

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