Saturday, February 24, 2007

Friday Night Lights: I Think We Should Have Sex

Before we get into the Greek tragedy that is Tim Riggins, let’s focus on the overboard of adorable that is Matt Saracen and Julie Taylor.

After a makeout/study session, in which the couple is hilariously interrupted by Matt’s tapioca-loving Grandma, Julie decides that it’s time to take the next step. Actually, from the look of things, she decides that it’s time for them to skip a couple of steps and make a run for the big one.

Landry and Smash help Matt come up with a game plan for doin’ the deed and another football player helps the cause by donating the least romantic lakehouse ever. A kink is thrown into the plan when Mrs. Coach sees Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Landry buying condoms. She gives her little girl an impassioned speech about why a 15 year old is too young to give up her V card and gives us a glimpse of a past a whole lot like Tyra’s present.

When it comes down to it, Julie clearly isn’t ready and Matt insists that they wait. Then they leg wrestle (seriously; I’m not being euphemistic) and innocently fall asleep. Unfortunately during all this, Coach has been alerted to the whole “condom” thing and the whole “Julie lying when she said was at a friend’s” thing. She rolls in past curfew and though they’re pissed, they’re happy she’s alive and relieved when she insists that she’s still in possession of her virginity.

In the land of not-so-adorable land of teenage alcoholism: Tim’s back to drinking and brawling. Bad Daddy Walt is at his side, insisting that Tim can handle his own. Knowing where this slippery slope leads, Tyra appeals to his big brother Billy to step in, but Billy insists that Tim has to learn that Walt’s bad news on his own. And learn he does. Tim defends his dad when Coach accuses the man of stealing a $3000 video camera from the team's AV room. Tim inevitably finds the camera and starts to kick his dear ol' dad out, but Walt beats him to the punch, making sure Tim sees how easy he is to walk out on again.

Aching for a fight, Tim gets loaded and goes to a bar where he and his dad hustled some pool players. He starts getting his ass handed to him when the bartender calls Tyra. She and Billy show up and pull a bloody and broken Tim out of the melee. What is it about Billy that makes him break my heart a little more every time he shows up to help his baby brother?

Next week: More on stuff I didn’t talk about, like the aftermath of Buddy’s infidelity admission (he’s hoping to stay on good buddy Eric’s couch) and Street in Austin, trying to make the quad rugby team and hanging out with a cute tattoo artist. It goes without saying that it will most likely rule.

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